all aboutt meemeemee!<3(:

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ayyye' soooo if you dont knoww me im brenna huffman, and i am in the 11th grade! i play soccer and lax. <3 i love my best friend brooke who sits next to me in english class (: this is my first year bloggering, i dindt really know that many people did such a thing ?! i dont really get the point of it yet but thats ohkayyy! i love music&dancing(; i am pretty much obsesssedd with texting its kinda redicilouss! i heartt my friendss and love havingg funn hehehe & laughingg is what i do best, ask anyonee i laugh at anything and everythingg! i if you cant tell im really bad a spelling sorrry ahaha, ohaky well thats about it, byeee. x3

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

huckleberry fin questions.

After reading what was going on in the last few chapters i was excited to see what chapters 11 through 20 were going to be about. i had figured that it was going to carry on with the fact that Huck had escaped from the cabin and was going to go off on his own. In previous chapters we found out that when huck left the cabin he went to an island and there he found Jim which was a slave that lived in the house where tom was living when the story opened up. Jim ran away because he thought that his owner was going to sell him and he didn't want that to happen so he just decided that if he left he wouldn't have to worry about any trouble. soon after this all happens tom and Jim decided to go into town and there they met a lady named Judith Loftus and she tells the boys a few things that were going on in their town. when Huck left he staged his own murder so that his father would not come looking for him. so now the police and the people of the town think that either jim killed him because jim just so happened to go missing the same day Huck died or that pap Hucks father killed him. throughout these few chapters a few things happen. one example is that the boys boat gets lost and they come across a ship of robbers, and they take one of their boats. huck leaves jim for a little and stays with a family who is very wealthy. this family was called the Grangerfords he finds out much about this people. that they have no rules, are no forced to go to school they all have their own personal slaves, and they have an on going feud with another family. this gets really bad that one day he sees one of the sons fighting and ends up dyeing and that was enough for Huck so he leaves and ends up meeting back up with Jim. this is a quick lay out of somethings that occur during chapters 11 - 20.

huckleberry fin

At first when i started reading this book i really didn't seem to like it very much. it was somewhat boring and just didn't seem to interest me. but as i kept reading this chapter it got much more interesting, and i got to learn more about who Huck was and about where he lived and about his life. through out these few chapters you learn who huck lives with when the story opens up. i also learned that his father was a drunk and did not really seem to care much about him. also you find out that huck has a best friend and his name is tom sawyer and they are different in many ways. we also find out that when Hucks father decides to come around, he captures Huck and takes him to a cabin in the woods and locks him in there. one day while his dad is out Huck manages to escape. this lead to tell us that there was going to be much more excitement that would be going on through the rest of they story.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

End Of Flawlesss !<3

I have finally finished my book and so much has been going on between all four girls. "A" has once again threatened to tell all of the girls secrets to the school and their families. they are all scared that if they don't find out who this A figure is that it will ruin their "flawless" reputation that they care so much about. A says that if emily doesn't do as she is told that he will tell her family and school how she is a lesbian. she knew that her friends would not approve and neither would her family. toby who was a close friend of the girls as they were growing up is now dead. he over dosed on pills. emily thought that before he died he was the won who was pretending to be A but after his death the girls still were getting texts and e-mails from A. so now they new that it could not be him. toby was one of the only people who knew what had happened the night of Jenna's accident. he thought that maybe since they werent all friends anymore he was trying to get back at them but didnt what them to actually know who it really was, but they were wrong. Arias was seeing is her english teacher ezra at the same time. none knew about this, but one day when she was walking out of the school Ezra called her name and they were talking for a little while. When she was leaving the school her phone vibrated and she got a text from A saying how she was a " naught, naughty girl for going after her teacher, and how girls like her the reason families get ruined. A also tells her that if she doesn't tell her mom about how her dad has been cheating on her not only will "A" tell her mom but she will also tell sean about Ezra, her mom and her dad. Arias didn't end up telling her dad and one morning aria's mom was crying and told her how she knew everything and how she knew that Aria was lying to her for 4 years now. she was so upset that her own daughter didn't tell her what was going on for 4 years. Hanna seemed to be doing alright up until she got a text one night from A. the text said "Hanna. Marin. Blinded. Jenna. what would daddy think about you if he knew that?" In this text A was telling Hanna how he knew what the girls had done to Jenna that night. A knew that they are the ones who made her blind. Hanna's dad use to ask her all the time if her and her friends with playing with fire works that night and she would always lie and say no and that she never plays with fire works. Her father would be so mad and disappointed in her if she found out she was lying to him . Also Hanna makes her self throw up but no one knows this, except for A. she has no clue how A found out but "it" did and said that if she didn't tell her friends one night that she did and that sean really broke up with her that A was going to tell the whole school who the " real hanna is ". Spencer is going through some confusing and tough times right now with boys. she really likes this kid Wren but with everything that is going on right now she doesn't know how much effort she can put into a relationship and she just doesn't know what to do anymore. she got an e-mail from A that said " you hurt me, so i'm going to hurt you or maybe i should hurt a certain new boyfriend instead?" spencer had no clue who in the world A could be but some how A is everywhere and sees everything that these girls are doing day to day.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Flawless part 2

I'm now in the middle of my book and so much has been going on. "A" is still unknown and is still sending that girls all these messages that freaks them out. A tells one of the girls that she knows she likes girls and threatens to tell the whole school. also threatens to tell Aria's mother how her father has been cheating on her for the past few years. during these few chapters aria takes her brother our to a bar and place to play pool. right as they were about to play pool she say her dad out of the corner or her eye with another women. she got so upset and made her brother leave. Also A texted Spencer and said that he/she was going to tell her sister and her whole family how she hooked up with her sisters boyfriend. Spencer was freaking out for days because she knew that it would just tear her family apart because this was not the first time that Spencer has pulled something like this. Her sister doesn't really talks to her as it so knowing that she did it again would just make it so much worse. After all the girls have their meeting they all noticed that while they were all best friends there was so much that they were keeping from one another. when they all went around telling what "A" had said to them they there was something that all of them said they didn't want to say out loud because it was personal.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Flawless; Part One

The book i am reading begins with a group of girls that are best friends. They are Ali, Spencer, Jenna, and Aria. At first the book starts off and they are in the sixth grade. As the book goes on it is now five years later and they are no longer friends. One of the girls whose name is Ali has been murdered. When the girls were younger there was this boy named toy who was always watching them and they thought he was really creepy. They called him the “black cat boy". One night when the girls were having a sixth grade sleepover they saw that Toby was watching that as they changed and just danced around the room. They said that some how they would get back at him. So one night the girls decide to set off a fire cracker into Toby’s tree house while he’s in there. On accident they end up hitting one of their own friends named Jenna. She ended up getting really badly burned and had to go to the hospital. This book goes back and forth from when they were in the sixth grade until five years later. One day all the girls randomly get this weird text message from "A". They have no clue who A is but somehow this person seems to know everything that they do and that they did. Ali was the one who set the fire cracker off and hurt Jenna but no one knows that other than Spencer. But Ali made Spencer swear to say anything to anyone. A few days later after the investigation was almost over about who set it off and hurt Jenna the cops blamed it on Toby and he got arrested. This A figure now is coming back and pretty much haunting all the girls from their past, and threatening to tell everyone their deepest darkest secrets.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Journey Through Texas.

This story was about a man named Alvar Nunez Cabeza who traveled through Texas with his three countrymen. He and his men traveled for three months. Alvar Nunez Cabeza met the natives as well as others in a few of the stories that we have read so far. The natives helped Alvar Nunez Cabeza and his men in various ways. They lead the men the sunset, where they would gather their prize. Throughout the voyage 8 natives that died. They most likely died because of an illness. Alvar Nunez Cabeza thought they died because they were afraid of him and his men. They all had so many things that differed from one another. For example their cultures were different. The natives dressed differently and thought differently about n how to live day to day life. The natives thought that if they planted maize that it would ruin their crops. The Spanish were looking for the maize the whole time and the natives were the ones that showed the Spanish how to find it, and after searching for about 17 days they finally found it.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Today we read a book about slaves, and the journey from Africa to America and some of the things that were going on in the salve ships. This story also talks about how the conditions of the ships were and some stories that he author saw on while on the ship. The story starts off when he was just a little boy and him and his sister got taken away by the white men. He was separated from his sister almost right away. He was only 11 years old when all this happened too. He told us how the conditions were very bad. There were way to many people on the ships so they were very crowded. Because the conditions were so bad that many of them got sick and some even died. But because many were getting sick and the space was so tight many others got sick because they were not getting treated. if someone got sick they might let them go on the deck for a little while and get some fresh air. they food was very scarce for the slaves and there were a few that even tried to escape off the slave ships. They would jump over board hoping that they would make it back to shore. When this would happen a few white men would take the smaller ships out and go after them, some would drown and one or 2 might make it back to the boat. When they would get back they would be beaten so bad that they would almost die. They did this to how the other slaves what would happen if they tried to do something like this too. The slaves on these ships were always getting beaten. If they were caught stealing like some in the story were caught stealing food, they were beaten very badly.