all aboutt meemeemee!<3(:

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ayyye' soooo if you dont knoww me im brenna huffman, and i am in the 11th grade! i play soccer and lax. <3 i love my best friend brooke who sits next to me in english class (: this is my first year bloggering, i dindt really know that many people did such a thing ?! i dont really get the point of it yet but thats ohkayyy! i love music&dancing(; i am pretty much obsesssedd with texting its kinda redicilouss! i heartt my friendss and love havingg funn hehehe & laughingg is what i do best, ask anyonee i laugh at anything and everythingg! i if you cant tell im really bad a spelling sorrry ahaha, ohaky well thats about it, byeee. x3

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

huckleberry fin questions.

After reading what was going on in the last few chapters i was excited to see what chapters 11 through 20 were going to be about. i had figured that it was going to carry on with the fact that Huck had escaped from the cabin and was going to go off on his own. In previous chapters we found out that when huck left the cabin he went to an island and there he found Jim which was a slave that lived in the house where tom was living when the story opened up. Jim ran away because he thought that his owner was going to sell him and he didn't want that to happen so he just decided that if he left he wouldn't have to worry about any trouble. soon after this all happens tom and Jim decided to go into town and there they met a lady named Judith Loftus and she tells the boys a few things that were going on in their town. when Huck left he staged his own murder so that his father would not come looking for him. so now the police and the people of the town think that either jim killed him because jim just so happened to go missing the same day Huck died or that pap Hucks father killed him. throughout these few chapters a few things happen. one example is that the boys boat gets lost and they come across a ship of robbers, and they take one of their boats. huck leaves jim for a little and stays with a family who is very wealthy. this family was called the Grangerfords he finds out much about this people. that they have no rules, are no forced to go to school they all have their own personal slaves, and they have an on going feud with another family. this gets really bad that one day he sees one of the sons fighting and ends up dyeing and that was enough for Huck so he leaves and ends up meeting back up with Jim. this is a quick lay out of somethings that occur during chapters 11 - 20.

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