all aboutt meemeemee!<3(:

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ayyye' soooo if you dont knoww me im brenna huffman, and i am in the 11th grade! i play soccer and lax. <3 i love my best friend brooke who sits next to me in english class (: this is my first year bloggering, i dindt really know that many people did such a thing ?! i dont really get the point of it yet but thats ohkayyy! i love music&dancing(; i am pretty much obsesssedd with texting its kinda redicilouss! i heartt my friendss and love havingg funn hehehe & laughingg is what i do best, ask anyonee i laugh at anything and everythingg! i if you cant tell im really bad a spelling sorrry ahaha, ohaky well thats about it, byeee. x3

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Earth on Turtle's Back

While reading this book it seemed to be sending more of message that the reader is suppose to notice then just a regular story with and actual point. In this story the author talked about how the wife had a dream that the tree had been uprooted, so the husband had the men of the town try and uproot the tree. None of them were able to do it so the husband tried and finally got it. When the wife leaned over to look down the whole she saw something and slipped. She fell all the way down into the whole and landed with the water birds and animals. Some of the birds saw her falling from the SkyLand and decided to go and help her. They noticed right away that she wasn’t one of them. At first they weren’t sure what to do with her. Then one of the animals said that they heard that there was earth under the water. So over and over again the animals attempted to go down and grab this “earth" that they heard was down there. All the animals that tried were strong and were not too devoted to getting the earth they just tried but didn’t try their best. Then as they were all getting ready to give up they heard someone say that they were willing to try it and they would do anything to get "earth" or they would die trying. This was said by a tiny muskrat. Unlike the other animals that were all strong and could not to it the tiny little muskrat tried and got a piece of earth. She was very tired and was in desperate need of air, her lungs were on the verge of collapsing. Then she finally got to the surface and the animals put the piece of earth on the turtles back that stepped up and was willing to help the sky women. To me this story seemed like it was trying to tell the reader that just because you’re strong and big doesn’t mean that someone who is tiny can’t do the same things. Also that someone who is tiny can have more courage than someone who is big and strong, and in the end that is was got the world started. The turtle played a roll in this story to i thought because the world evolved over a long period of time, like the way in which a turtle moves. The turtle was symbolizing how "earth" began.

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