all aboutt meemeemee!<3(:

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ayyye' soooo if you dont knoww me im brenna huffman, and i am in the 11th grade! i play soccer and lax. <3 i love my best friend brooke who sits next to me in english class (: this is my first year bloggering, i dindt really know that many people did such a thing ?! i dont really get the point of it yet but thats ohkayyy! i love music&dancing(; i am pretty much obsesssedd with texting its kinda redicilouss! i heartt my friendss and love havingg funn hehehe & laughingg is what i do best, ask anyonee i laugh at anything and everythingg! i if you cant tell im really bad a spelling sorrry ahaha, ohaky well thats about it, byeee. x3

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Navajo Origin Legend

To me this story was kind of confusing i wasn’t sure what the author was talking about or trying to get into when i first started reading. As i kept reading i noticed that like the other stories this one to be showing how people thought that humans came about living on this planet. Most of the other stories though had some kind of lesson that the author was trying to point out. In this story i did not see a lesson trying to be pointed out. This story was talking bout how man and women were formed. The people in the story thought that man and women were made by the four Navajo gods. When the gods came down they preformed some type of ritual that in the end was the creation of man kind. But they did this with the help of the wind. They thought that if the wind hadn’t not done its role in making humans then we would not be what we are. After the wind blew and the man and women were created the gods told them that they shall now “live together now husband and wife. And when reading this story it relates to marriage today. When we get married the priest says something just like that.

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